
Friday, March 27, 2009

Los Angeles Times: Senate plans to tackle BCS

Economy? War? Global warming? I am glad the Senate is tackling the most important issue of modern times.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Endangered: Newspaper beat writers

There are troubling issues related to the demise of newspapers, particularly how journalists serve a watchdog role over our government and how that role might be lost. Every newspaper beat has been impacted. ESPN's Page 2 has a good article about how the demise of newspapers is hurting sports coverage.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Conference: Blogs With Balls

If you are going to be in New York on June 13 and you're interested in sports blogs, you might want to check out Blogs With Balls, a "series of regional social sports blogger and new media gatherings featuring speakers and panelists specifically focused on sports fans, writers, sites, teams, athletes and companies..."